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Fertility Management & Visits

The majority of our dairy farmers are on weekly, fortnightly or monthly routine fertility visits

All of our farm vets carry portable ultrasound scanners.


Typically we like to be presented with fresh calved cows for post calving checks, cows not seen in heat and cows for PD (Pregnancy Diagnosis) from 30 days after insemination.


However, we believe that the routine fertility visit is not just about scanning cows and we have a holistic approach to herd health. Our vets aim to spend some time at the routine visits to discuss calf health, dry period management, nutrition etc. with the back-up of a range of data analysis tools including Total Vet and Vet Impress.


The level of data analysis will be tailored to each farm as we understand that a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work. Having the expertise of Nottingham Veterinary School at our fingertips, we know when to bring in extra support – sometimes a fresh pair of eyes is useful when tackling a particular issue on farm.

More Information on Fertility Management

Semen Sampling

Semen Sampling

One in four bulls in the UK has sub-normal fertility.

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